EP. 689 – Future health red-pilling and the great awakening; Ohio school district’s manipulation.

Dr. Sean Brooks Photo

Dr. Sean Brooks
1 month
I discuss the unnecessary black-pilling panic of Trumps cabinet picks and how future Senate confirmation testimony has the potential to wake up the masses. I also discuss the story behind Matt Gatez and how he could be the ace up the sleeve to be played against the deep state. I then cover a local school districts unprofessional and sneaky behavior and how this is typical disgusting in the business.Show more Substack: https://theamericanclassroom.substack.com/p/6g-radioactive-environments
Documentary: https://www.bitchute.com/video/vIIsOJ8ZrhEN
Book Websites: https://www.moneytreepublishing.com PROMO CODE: “AEFM” for 10% OFF https://armreg.co.uk PROMO CODE: "americaneducationfm" for 15% off all books and products. (I receive no kickbacks). Show less