The Sane Asylum Based Hump Day #266 - 11SEPT24 on 11-Sep-24-13:00:14

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The Sane Asylum Based Hump Day #266 - 11SEPT24 - CoHost: David Scorpio

By Whites, for Whites… Hail Victory! Fish swim, birds fly… jews lie. 1488! Juden Frei!
23 years ago the vile kikes and inside traitors such as Donkey Dick Cheney and Donald Duck Rumsfeld attacked the United States, murdered thousands of innocents, and got away scott free. Special thanks to kike parasites today for flooding the USA with violent, rapey, murderous muds! Isn’t it obvious Trump is the MAGA Mossiac? Debate takeaway: Orange Man Bad and Kuntmalla the Splewggandan Whorrior are both experts at sticking their tongues way up kike anus. Will this be the week Israel is bombed out of existence? Here’s hoping.