Ba'al Busters Broadcast, hosted by author Daniel Kristos, is an active investigation into mankind's real story. We analyze books of forbidden history, and explore the origins of our current perdicament. We identify the lies and the liars. We speak with others on the quest for Truth in everything from health to religion as we piece together the hidden elements, and attempt to rediscover who we are.
Welcome Back to the Ba'al Busters Community. M-F 8am - 10am Pacific on, Rumble and Twitter as @DisguiseLimits) Thanks For Joining Us!
Get up to speed on the history you were denied. Get Books and videos here: USE code: BAAL for 10% OFF your entire order.
Today, 9.17.2024 - Continuation of the video cut short on Monday, plus the unhinged and mentally ill are climbing in numbers while their comprehension and intellect are taking a sharp nose dive! Impulse, and emotions override rational thought with more victims claimed every day. We've seen the death of logic, the loss of wisdom.
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DR PETER GLIDDEN, ND Health Recovery Site:
Use Code baalbusters for 50% OFF - LIMITED TIME Just For Us, Hurry!
For the 90 Essential Nutrients, Contact Brenda here: 888 618 1796 ext. 101 Mention the Show!
Hey Everyone I’m raising funds to build a 4K video editing and streaming computer. Please Use the $ at the bottom of the CHAT to send SuperChats to the show.
YOU ARE the CHANGE. You ARE the Sponsors.
Computer Fundraiser here:
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My Clean Source Creatine-HCL Use Coupon Code FANFAVORITE for 5% Off
Go to to get all the AWESOME stuff I make plus Quick Links to Dr Monzo and Dr Glidden are found on my website.
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Baal Busters Broadcast
101 W 16th Street STE A
Yuma, AZ 85364
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